Ann Chiappetta

Making Meaningful Connections

Too Much Nerd?

| Filed under writing


Well, since the past two eeks have been horrible, I have been distracting myself with technology. For instance, I took over my son’s old room and made it my office. I choose to refer to it as the inner sanctum and I plan to make it a tranquility habitat. Since my desk was, for 20 years, near the front door, the noise, and in the middle of everything, I am very happy about the move even if it meant that doing so meant saying goodbye to my first born.


But I digress. I am sooting myself with music. I’ve been listening to The Eagles, love the tracks from their last album, The Long Road out of Eden. Waiting in the Weeds is hauntingly poetic. I have my laptop, my I phone and my I pad altogether so I can play games, write and make phone calls. I also have a pair of Ludacris headphones if I want to plug in and zone out.


What would I do without my technology? Probably be very out of touch, lol. Oh, and until we actually paint and do some patching, the only other thing I’ve moved in is a bed for Verona.  So we’re good until the renovations are completed.  Maybe I should call this the year of touch ups and passings.

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