Ann Chiappetta

Making Meaningful Connections

A review of Sorts

| Filed under writing

A review of Sorts

My birthday is coming and I thought about all the that happened since last year at this time. I also began feeling a little defeated, sliding down into the pity pit. I turned some not-so-happy happenings, like losing our Mom, fracturing my foot, getting pneumonia while training with my new guide dog and dealing with menopausal mania through it all. Before I slid into the pit completely, though, I grabbed onto safety rail and kept myself from falling in – a coping tool learned from being on the edge of that nasty pit many times – and as it happened, the damage was minimal. Didn’t even scuff my shoe.

I kept from succumbing by thinking of the good things I accomplished or experienced until now and they outweigh the sad and disappointing things I just mentioned. For instance, I did finally get my new guide dog and we just celebrated our one year anniversary. I am part of a terrific program that visits elementary schools and teaches children about people with disabilities. Through a huge effort and help from my peers, we have a guide dog users group that will be active in New York State, and I have found so many supportive people in my travels, it’s extremely gratifying.

I have also had to make some difficult decisions regarding my volunteer roles and commitments. I will be stepping down from some and doing more in others. While it bothers me that I cannot complete some of the obligations, while I was in the role, I know I did my best.
As I evaluated which volunteer roles I needed to give up, the main concern was whether I was valued in that particular role and if not, why I was still doing it. I realized I wasn’t being valued by the leadership, and this helped me make the decision to step down.

One of my clients often says, “If I can’t make money from it or it won’t make me happy doing it, I can do without it,”

I wouldn’t be able to help others by not finding gratification in doing a task, either, even if it meant not being compensated by greenbacks For me, it’s about feeding my spirit, knowing I am making a difference, and bearing witness to those changes.

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